60 Minutes 03-19-2006

Well, Hansen is at it again - his message (paraphrased)

Well, the fact that he's talked to almost every reporter that wants to listen (verified by a simple google search) indicates that he is whining about nothing. It also strengthens my position that he is on the kooky side of the argument.

For the full story, see Rewriting The Science, 60 Minutes, March 19, 2006 - read the text and watch (listen to) both videos. The text is mostly about Dr. James Hansen and Rick Piltz - each video refers to one of them. (On my system, only the audio was available, no images.)

He whined about the same "problem" in the 01-29-2006 Washington Post, and now he's done it with 60 Minutes.

But it is not as bad as it sounds - NASA actually let Hansen talk to 60 Minutes ... of course a NASA representative taped the interview - but perhaps, with a loose cannon like Hansen, that is a good idea. Then, when a reporter writes something, there is hard evidence as to what was really said.

Of course, Hansen claims that other interviews were denied. But scoring both the Washington Post and 60 Minutes is pretty good. Too bad both stories were mostly just whining - no new data.

The last paragraph sums up the political spin (paraphrased)

Author: Robert Clemenzi
URL: http:// questionable-science.com / Global_Warming / tv_programs / 60Minutes_2006_03_19.html